Favorite Things Thursday: Hodler’s Die Lebensmüden

10 03 2011

It’s that time again, time to look at more of the Neue Pinakothek’s collection. Today is a little different though because it is a painting I actually like, not just a painting I like making fun of. It is called Die Lebensmüden. It is usually referred to in English as “Tired of Life”, but when you plug it into Google translate it also gives the translation of “The Disillusioned”. Never one to argue with Google (they know too much about me), I think this title is also fitting. The title, “How Sue Felt the Wednesday after Fasching,” would also have been appropriate.

Photo: pinakothek.de

It was painted in 1892 by Ferdinand Holder. According to Wikipedia he is one of the best-known Swiss painters of the 19th century, which to me means practically nothing. (Switzerland, I kid because I love…other countries besides yours). He also seems to have been a ladies man/angel of death.


1. Father and two brothers died of TB

2. Mother then died of TB

3. All his remaining siblings died of TB

4. Mistress died of cancer. This was the woman he was with while he was married to he second wife.


Helloooo, Ladies 😉

Reasons to love him:

1. His first wife was named Bertha and his second named Berthe. Smart thinking, Ferdy! No chance of accidentally calling second wife by first wife’s name.

2. His son founded the World Esperanto Association. Who among us when studying a foreign language has not wanted to create a perfect language instead of the messes that we have to learn.

3. This painting.



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