Wunder Wednesday: Fasching

9 03 2011

Now that I have recovered from yesterday’s festivities, I can post some pictures from the celebrations in Munich’s Viktualienmarkt.  On the morning of Fasching Tuesday, you can head down here to watch the Tanz der Marktfrauen. I couldn’t really get a good picture, so I stole one from Bild.



It was a gorgeous sunny day and pretty darn warm for Munich in March.  Carnival here is treated more like our Halloween, so that means lots of costumes and drinking.

A few things I have learned about Fasching in Munich:

1. It is apparently just fine to wear what most Americans would considered to be pretty racist costumes. (See some of the pictures below.)

2. Cowboys and Indians are still cool here.

3. Steak sandwiches are amazing.

4. I will never remember how to do the stupid/awesome dance for the Cowboy und Indianer song

Ok, it is picture time

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3 responses

9 03 2011

The best blog yet!! So I get the lasso bit and the pony riding but what was with the woman’s Egyptian moves in the middle on the song?

10 03 2011

DUDE! THE DUDE!!!!!!!!! I’m dying laughing right now

11 03 2011

because when i think of cowboys and indians, i think of… germany?

(i’m definitely going to need a translation of those lyrics, by the way).

and the traditional german costumes totally make that video simultaneously more awkward and more great. how can it be? i have no idea.

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