Naked Time!

16 11 2010

If forced to generalize about the States and Germany, I would have to say that Americans are far more hung up on the whole nudity thing. I base this not only on television, but also on the German kids I babysit and all the people in Munich’s parks and by its lakes and rivers. As soon as the sun comes out, it is as if someone screams, “It’s naked time!” and everyone undresses accordingly.  I was made fun of at the doctor, because when I was told to get undressed and discovered that there were no robes or sheets I pointed this out. The doctor just sighed and said “Americans”.

But by far the most telling evidence are German saunas.

Last night I went with friends to the saunas in Grünwalder Freizeitpark. (Grünwald is a suburb of Munich).

Normally the space is shared by men and women, but Mondays are for women only. This is a good thing, because there is a hell of a lot of nudity involved.  Also fortunate, is that my friend warned me that although there are only women customers the men that work at the sauna (pouring scented water on the hot stones, fanning the heat with towels, etc) would still be there. Although the employees are wearing little towels, you still sit there talking to them with nothing on.

I was surprised to discover how little I cared after the first couple of minutes. The reason for this is not because my firmly set puritanical American attitudes dissolved away with my stress. No, the reason was SAUNAS ARE FOR MASOCHISTS. Especially the Finnish variety, of which Grünwald has a version. I mostly had to concentrated on not dying.


Really, who ever thought boiling yourself in steam was a good idea?!  I was so hot that I was happy to throw ice on myself.  Since the thermometers were in Celsius I wasn’t quite sure, but I think it was hot enough to boil my blood.

All complaining aside, it was a pretty amazing time and I still smell like some of the infusions (pine/lavender/etc.) And seriously, few things are as awesome as swimming naked in a heated pool under the night sky.



2 responses

16 11 2010

That sounds scary and great at the same time.

My friend here told me that she went to the doctor just outside of Paris and had to get completely naked also with no cover up!
Thank goodness I will not have to go through that.

I don’t think I’d mind going to the sauna though. That would be great. I’ve never swam naked or gone skinny dipping so that sounds pretty fun and adventurous also!

Americans and their modesty. I’ll work up the courage one day.

16 11 2010

Wish I could have been there. You know what I mean. Swimming in Greece was a bit cold for me!

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